Sergo Tbilelis's artwork "Love Story" Cleopatra in Rome" is a Magnum Opus of storytelling using colors and textures. The artwork portrays the visit of the titular Cleopatra to Rome, to see her lover and future Roman deity Gaius Julius Ceaser. Ceaser is depicted in his triumphal decorative armor and toga embellished with roman symbols that hint at his soon-to-be divines. Whilst Cleopatra has depicted in a colorful majestic headdress and a beautiful scarab medallion to guide the viewer's eyes to the lower part of the queen's figure but also the elegant dress. The story of Cleopatra and Ceaser is one of love, loss, and betrayal. The artwork by Sergo Tbilelis shows this in a very unique way through its use of color schemes, textures, and shapes. The lighting plays an important role in creating an atmosphere that helps viewers feel what it must have been like for these two lovers.
Artist depicts the two not only as leaders but as lovers and equals, rulers of two great empires. The relationship can be seen not only in the mirrored posses of the figures but in the way nature interacts with these great figures. They have all the beasts of nature tamed as we see the wolf symbol of Rome resting its head on the calf of Ceaser whilst a female lioness is standing still and protecting the Great Lioness of Neil.
The paradox of being lovers and rulers can be seen in the way the two have their hands outstretched relaxed but handling the weapons of their dimes at the same time, for Ceaser is holding in his hand a Pugio("dagger") sheathed in a beautiful sabered whilst Cleopatra is holding a poisonous snake. In a way symbolizes their power over mortality but at the same time is an allegory for their demises.
In the background, we see the romanticized version of the great city of Rome and how it would have looked from one of Ceaser's villas. Encompassed and engulfed by the great Pomerium "The god wall" that separates the sky from the enshrined Rome. the only clasp on their love and power, for Cleopatra, could never enter the walled city. But even from the far, we can see the great City of Rome which was called a marble quarry with streets, "the greatest creation of mankind". The city took a lifetime to build, and another 1000 years to destroy. Sergo manages to depict the greatness of the eternal city by introducing mystery into the scene. Shrouding the city in the beautiful marble streams of air and wind.
The whole composition is tied together by the twirling streams of air that unite all of the figures together, in a way introducing even the great river Tiber to the scene by intervening with the moving ethereal wind and water together. In the left corner, the moon is shining on the duo whilst the right hand, Sun is introducing the idea of dusk to the scene.
viewers can interpret this as two lovers that are shown apart by the greatness of their empires or as a symbol of eternity. The final note is the great eagle symbol that is placed in the upper half of the painting as if guided by the golden ratio and hinting at the greatness of the empire birthed by the Ceaser and the relationship that he had with Cleopatra.